Cash Management is getting an upgrade November 6-7, 2023. We have several new features in store for our online business users.
No downtime while we release these new features!
Recurring ACH. User can schedule a batch to initiate automatically based on frequency.
Automated alert that batch is ready to send. A non-Admin user can select ‘A batch is ready for approval’, and the system will send an alert to all users who have selected to receive it so that they can initiate the batch.
Confirmation number added to History.
Bulk delete for batches. Can select multiple batches to delete at once.
Addenda can be edited from Quick Edit screen.
Permission for Edit and Quick Edit are separated. The Admin can set a user to have only Quick Edit status, which allows them to edit but not to add or delete transactions.
Future-dated wires. User able to select a future date when initiating a wire.
Recurring wires. User can set a wire to transmit automatically based on frequency.
Beneficiary name and effective date added to History.
Pay All or Return All function added. Separate functionality also added for ACH Pay All or Return All.
View all Exception items at once. Added ability to view all exception items at once regardless of account.
Correction link. Use this new link to securely message the bank with information about a needed correction.
Reason added to Exception screen. Users will now also see the reason the item was listed as an exception.
Multiple upload format support. User has the ability to create multiple upload formats giving each one a distinct name. User also has the ability to determine the delimiter type, amount type, and text qualifier.
View ACH filters. User has the ability to view blocks and filters by account.
The following new reports will also be available to users.
Activity Reports: provides transaction information
Summary Reports: provides daily summary information
Saved Reports: build your own activity/summary report
New alerts for email address change, telephone number change, user permission change, ACH batch modified, wire updated, and ACH/Wire pending approval.
If you are interested in adding on the modules to create your own ACH, Wires, or Positive Pay, please contact Tony Staley for more information at 800-468-6682 or by email