May 24, 2022
Ohio Valley Bank recently added a new design to their Community First debit card program. The card, which features a football design, will benefit the Big Bend Youth Football League.
The Big Bend Youth Football League not only offers area youth the opportunity to hone their football skills, but organization volunteers also dedicate their time to help participants learn life skills and discipline. Character building is also a huge component of the organization.
Organization board members described the Big Bend Youth Football League in the following statement:
“To teach children the importance of a team, to work together, to promote healthy competition with the grace of losing. To give children something to do with their time that is constructive and positive. The Big Bend Youth Football League has played a positive role in many lives throughout the years in our community. From the children on the field to the teens working the concessions. We utilize all youth in the hopes that children of any age can benefit from the wonderful lessons the league has to offer.”
Ohio Valley Bank checking account holders can choose to upgrade the look of their debit card to the Big Bend Youth Football League card for $10, with $5 being donated back to the organization.
Officials from local charities or schools wishing to participate in the Community First debit card program should email communityfirst@ovbc.com. For more information on the cards and to see the currently available designs, visit www.ovbc.com/communitycards.
Ohio Valley Bank, which operates 16 offices and was established in 1872, is a FDIC-insured community bank based in Gallipolis, Ohio, and is a state member bank of the Federal Reserve. Common stock for the bank’s parent company, Ohio Valley Banc Corp., is traded on The NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol OVBC. More information can be found at Ohio Valley Bank’s website at www.ovbc.com.